
Two beloveds journey into the night.

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A Letter to the Sea Creatures

Hello all you creatures, of the ocean blue

I am so sorry for what’s befalling you                                  

Your home is the ocean and plastic’s everywhere              

Surely you must feel that we do not care


We’ve got to hurry, or it won’t be  long                                                                     

before the gentle whales are only known in song


Our pollution’s killing, you and your kin

Caught in abandoned nets is a struggle you can’t win                

I will stand up for you. I know some ways how

I can change how I live. I’ll begin right now


We’ve got to hurry, or it won’t be  long                                                                     

before the gentle whales are only known in song


All you ocean creatures, you are dear to me

Otters and puffins, starfish and manatee                                      

Our lives are connected. It matters what I do

I am just a single voice, but I will sing for you


If we will hurry, the gentle whale’s song

resounding through the oceans, will go on and on

A band of clucking turkeys, is strutting down the hill                                                     

dressed in twiggy overcoats and dresses made of dill

They’re wearing Mole’s pinecone hats,  with scarves of dewy moss

and shoes with birch bark buckles, some would say are posh



How I wish I could join them, but I don’t have, proper clothes

a lichen vest,  a leafy frock, or feathers for my toes


They have no destination, nowhere they aim to go

They just like to gad about and make a lovely show                   

for all their eager forest friends who line the path they take                                         

and lounge around in root brown chairs and munch on acorn cake




Their friends hoot and howl and wave, as they parade on by

How they saunter looks so fun, if only I could try

Look! Here’s comes the littlest one, bringing me a smock

and beckoning me to join, their merry making flock


I can go! I can join them now that I have proper clothes

and oh my gosh, feathers soft, are sprouting from my toes!

They are the best friends I know, the colors of the rainbow

They were born ages a-go-o, where lily breezes blow                              


When the rain says, “off I go!”, that’s the best time for a show        

Seven friends, mist and sun, come out for some fun




Red is kind where’er she goes. She’s the daughter of the rose

Orange is a jolly lad. He’s almost always glad




Yellow nestles curled up, deep within a buttercup                     

Green dances, green runs, in fields beneath the sun




Blue gives clouds a roomy home, a boundless place where birds can roam       

Indigo has wild eyes, mysterious and wise




Violet dons a velvet gown, when she goes about the town

Seven friends, mist and sun, across the sky they run                     



Whether my neighbor lives next door, or ten thousand miles away,

they are still my neighbor, and to them I will say:

Hola, yaa-teeh, konnichiwa, marjaba, namaste,                                                       

Privyet, nihao, bonjour, hello! How are you today?


Whether my neighbor’s hair is green, black, red or silver-gray,         

they are still my neighbor, and to them I will say:

Hola, yaa-teeh, konnichiwa, marjaba, namaste,          

Privyet, nihao, bonjour, hello! How are you today?


Whether my neighbor goes to church, synagogue, mosque, or doesn’t pray,

they are still my neighbor, and to them I will say:

Hola, yaa-teeh, konnichiwa, marjaba, namaste,                 

Privyet, nihoa, bonjour, hello! How are you today?      


Wherever you live, whoever you are, this I will say … Hello my good neighbor, I wish you well today!

It was the best of mornings, in every kind of way

For Marigold and Honeybee, it was their wedding day

Friends were arriving, all the dell could hold

arriving for the wedding of Bee and Marigold


Everyone was silent, until kitty purred

Hers was the only sound, that any of them heard

Peacock  took from her breast, two woven feather rings

and tossing them into the wind, she began to sing


“Love’s not our possession, not something owned

Love is the greatest gift, that we have ever known

So go and make a garden, cultivate it well

 make a place inside yourselves, where love will wish to dwell”


Two hummingbirds were sprinkling, berries on the cake

Butterfly was helping Bee put on his velvet cape

Marigold’s soft petals, shown like dewy wings

Excitedly their friends stood up and they began to sing


“We now pronounce you married. Yes. Married!” They all said       

Spring has dressed the meadow for your wedding bed

The earth is glowing happy, every tiny thing

because you two are married, and they began to sing


(La la la)    

Beneath The Cherry Tree Lyrics

When I was a child I climbed a tree, of red cherries and before me

was a green field with pink sweet peas, and a potting shed all rusticky

A sign I could read, made of leaves said, “Path for Faeries,” This Way Please”

Low lanterns hung from billowy boughs, in lavender fields with spotted cows



Oh the faeries roam singing melodies. Their songs come from the

wind in the trees


The land glowed with beauty that I’d found, and when my feet again touched ground

with my ukulele I made a song, and sang it boldly all night long

After that night, often as a child, I heard their feet running wild

and I heard their voices ring through the air, bell-like voices with songs to share




Now I am old and haunt faery dells, and listen in for their voices like bells

and little feet, nimble and strong, dancing as they sing along

And once in awhile, my heart is filled, when I hear their voices come o’er the hill

and the song they sing, is the one made by me, I sang about their land beneath that cherry tree



There was a groundhog, round as a log, who’d shimmy about her way

She’d whistle along, just a makin’ a song, happy about the day

Then down she’d glide, on a slippery slide, on a belly ride she’d go

Along the ground, spinning around, till she’d land in the garden below



Happy groundhog, came from the bog, whistling along her way

This whistle Pig, she could dance a jig, and she loved to do it every day


She’d eat her fill, at the foot of that hill, of the grandma’s garden of greens

It wasn’t long, till the veggies were gone, all the squash, the kale and the beans

“What can be done, my dear grandson? We only have what we grow”

“Grandma I fear, to me she’s grown dear.” Suddenly he shouted, “I know!”




When around she roots, he gets out his lute, and plays her a trundle-ey tune

She starts to dance, and around prance, beneath the sun and the moon

Because she moves with a shimmey-shake groove, folks come from all around

They bring kind hearts, and sweet apple tarts, all the way from town

She no longer eats, the garden treats, of tarts she eats her fill

She and the boy, whistle with joy, at the foot of that summery hill



On an April morning, a little tree said “I’m not dressed

as beautiful or charming as all the rest”


“Momma will you find me, something fine to wear

so like all the others, beauty I can share”


Momma said, “you’re lovely, gown of new-made leaves

it is as beautiful as any weaver weaves”


Chorus (la la la)


“But Momma, don’t I look plain, the same each July day?”

“Oh my dear, you’re splendid, in the morning rain”


“But Momma see the flowers, the colors of their bed”

“Oh my child, when autumn comes, you’ll be dressed in red”



“Momma what is happening? I’m becoming bare

I feel light and unadorned. Won’t somebody stare?”


“My Sweet, it’s just the winter. Your slender branches glow

Spring will soon be here again and new leaves you will grow”




On an April morning, a little tree said “I’m not dressed

as beautiful charming, as all the rest”

I went out one early morn, when I heard tweet tweet

A little bluebird called to me, with a song simple and sweet

“I’ll stay with you if you’ll make, a bird bath for me”

“I’ll make for you a copper bath, and place it ‘neath a tree”



“Hidey ho my little bluebird, hidey ho I say

When you sing, joy you bring. With me won’t you stay?”


“I’ll stay with you, if you’ll keep, a safe place for my nest”

“I’ll make for you a wooden house, where you can rest”

“I’ll stay with you if you’ll sing, songs with me at morn”

“I’ll come out and sing with you, when your chicks are born”



“I’ll stay with you if you’ll take, your tom cat far from here”

“No oh no, that won’t do, for to me he’s dear”


“Then I must go, must fly away and stay no more with you”

“I will miss your morning song that I love so true”


Chorus ( sub in ) …. “How I wish you’d stay”


“I’ll return now and then. I’ll come visit you”

“I will sing my morning songs, that you love so true”



“Hidey ho my little Bluebird, hidey ho I say

When you sing, joy you’ll bring, when you pass my way”

Violet and Bluebell, come out the faery dell

Skipping over mossy rocks in search of purple shells

Poppy and Primrose, Yarrow, Tupelo

Skipping down the hill to play in pools by the bay



The flowers and the faeries, look so much the same

maybe that is why they both, share the same names


Lilac and Sweet Pea, make a boat to cross the sea

From a leaf they shape a kite. It lifts them o’er the trees

Iris and Hollyhock, cook oats with Snowdrop

All together in a ring the faeries eat and sing




Stars so brightly shine, wind-song fills the pine

Try and try to stay awake, where the moon-light shines

Sleep wraps them around, on the faery mound

They dream of boats with silver oars the pirates row ashore



(+ “la la la” the second part of the verse melody)

Five chickens showed up one day. If we build them a house they just might stay

“Grab the planks! I’ll grab the nails. Give them food in the yellow pails”

A hammer here and a hammer there, a bright tin roof placed with care

Round windows and a wooden door, a straw filled bed upon the floor



Down on Blackberry Lane, four hens and a rooster came


“Oh my gosh! It seems to me, they like it here with you and me

They like the cozy house we made. Look! Lil’ Lucy’s laid an egg”

Weeks passed by on Blackberry Lane. The moon waxed full and down came rain

Then one day soft chickies hatched, in the little house in the garden patch




Our family it grew and grew, with friendship as we never knew

In our hands, soft and sweet, with clucking all about our feet


Chorus 2x

A little daffodil, up, up she grew, drawn by the light and the brilliant blue

She was blossoming, without a care. Danger was near, but she was unaware



“I will hold you up, so you won’t fall. I will keep you safe, so you can grow tall”


A mighty tempest came, with a blustery gale. The pouring rain, turned to pounding hail

“What am I to do?” She cried out in fright. “I don’t think I will, make it through the night”




As she began to tilt, unexpectedly, there came a faery child, who bent down on one knee

“How can you stand?” the musing faery spoke, “in the wind and rain, without us little folk?”




The faery held her up all through the night, till that storm had passed, and the sun shone bright

“You may pick me now and have me as your own” said the daffodil, “though I’m not yet full grown”



“No!” the faery said, “that will never do, but when gales blow, I will come to you

I will hold you up, so you won’t fall. I will keep you safe, so you can grow tall”


Once upon a time, on an old green hill. A faery child loved a daffodil

In a misty far-off land, faeries dance in Autumn’s hand

To the ground gold dust floats, from their brightly shimmering coats

The dust is filled with songs and lore, from the faery days of yore

It falls upon a heaping mound, of nuts the squirrels hid in the ground



A golden glow in the twilight hour, settles upon each stone and flower

They leave gold dust everywhere. Faeries love so much to share


Winter comes and they can’t find, the tasty food they left behind

The squirrels search here and there, but faery dust is everywhere

Then from the dust comes a lilting song. It draws them to where they belong

They dig and dive and find their mound, beneath the gold dust on the ground




“Skiddle-ey winks!” they all shout, as they scurry all about

“There are sparkles in our seeds. It’s delicious!” they all agreed

Feasting underneath the tree, their tummies fill with melody

and plump on faery lore they grow. Lots of stories now they know


Final Chorus

If you come upon this land, you will meet a merry band

squirrels with soft fur of gold, dancing to the songs of old


In a misty far off land, faeries dance in Autumn’s hand

To the ground gold dust floats, from their brightly shimmering coats

Long ago when you were small, we’d pick apples in the fall

I would lift you in my arms, on our Carolina farm

‘Neath the rosy apple tree, we’d eat breakfast you and me

The green grass grew lush and long, where we’d sing our morning song



A sunflower in your hair, a yellow dress you’d wear

Summer was so sweet with no shoes on our feet


We would watch the clouds change form, into ships and unicorns

into dinosaurs and bees, whales swimming in the sea

With the gentle wind you’d run, your arms raised to the sun

Through the sweet peas growing high, like a songbird in the sky



Flowers everywhere, laughter we would share

Summer was so sweet with no shoes on our feet


On the porch we would swing, listen to the crickets sing

and the passing of the train, and the falling of the rain

I would often read to you, a thing you loved for me to do

’Til your gentle breath would slow, off to dreamland you would go



Ribbons in your hair, tangled everywhere

Summer was so sweet with no shoes on our feet


Long ago when you were small, we’d pick apples in the fall

I would lift you in my arms, on our Carolina farm

Once in the wind of morning, when the day was turning gold

a little boy skipped down, down, down to the valley’s fold

There he spied a flower, a bluebell among the rocks

and much to his surprise he, thought he heard it talk

The spellbound boy leaned down, and placed a shy yet eager ear

beside the bluebell’s petals, to hear what he might hear



Sure as the wind of morning

Sure as the day was turning gold

A gentle bluebell she was heard

In the greening valley’s fold


“My heart is full” the bluebell said “and glistens with shimmering light

The early sun’s gold, gold, golden rays are bright

and the glimmering morning, giving birth to simple days

I’m thankful for her glory, upon which we gaze”




The wide-eyed boy turned around, and looked upon the waking land

It seemed that something held, held, held him in its hand

He thought he’d burst or maybe fly. His rosy cheeks were all a’glow

because the bluebell shared what only flowers know




It happens in autumn, that’s faery for fall

when pixies climb trees that grow tall

and fill apple vats and make apple pie

and picnic where buttercup meadows lie


Pails are filled with jewels by day

gathered from faeries at play

Fluffy rabbits with plush cotton tails

while hoping knock over the pails


Wind wafts the jewels to children in bed

then gently upon their heads

she lets fall the jewels with care

To wake them she’d not dare




They sparkle on noses. They sparkle on cheeks

like moonbeams on fallen leaves

Darkness sees the bejeweled lights

and takes them to brighten the night


Night takes the jewels and adorns the sky

but she leaves freckles behind

Now each child’s precious face

is bright with faery grace



Mole woke up, jumped from his bed, put on the kettle and sliced some bread

Two wrens arrived along with cat. They ate jam toast and had a chat

They wanted to welcome the best they could, Pig who was new to the neighborhood

When they had hatched the perfect plan, they made pies in old tin pans



Rum diddley diddley dum, rum diddley diddley dum

Rum diddley diddley dum, rum diddley, diddley dum


Apple, berry, lemon meringue, they worked together as they sang

Mole told Rooster, “No time to lose. Quick go cockadoodle doo the news”

Rooster and four hens set out, to share the happy news about

“A party for Pig. Everyone come! Rum diddley diddley dum”




That evening beneath Mole’s tree, Rabbit arrived with the Toadies and Bee

Squirrel and Wolf came to share, with Pig their friendship and their care

Still more came and all had fun. Pig got hugs from everyone

Moose brought Pig a green bean mat. Mole gave Pig a pinecone hat




Pig got excited, fell off his chair, skinned his knee, messed up his hair

Peacock came in the nick of time, kissed his knee, said “You look fine”

They danced and played and ate sweet pie. The night passed too quickly by

Bear invited them up the wood, where they slept well and all was good



Mother speaks of a rickety home, with a crickety fence and flowers grown

where we will move at summer’s end and our belongings send

She talks of walks on ribboned trails, squirrels with bushy tails

a river and white tailed deer, children living near



To the country we will go. My father says there will be snow

I hope I have a good friend there. Together we’ll go everywhere


My grandpa this afternoon, said, “Son we’ll be leaving soon

Sit down upon my knee and listen to me

To your own self be true. Ask, what can I do for you?

Let each precious day unfold. A simple stone might be gold”




I asked my grandma late last night, what to bring so all goes right

when we arrive in our new town, and step upon its ground

“Bring wonder in your pack, put courage in your knapsack

patience and an open heart, a will to do your part”




Have you heard or felt the wind? She’s out most everyday

Has she ever come your way, asking you to play?


When the wind is feeling shy she makes a bashful breeze

Little children all come out, with dragonflies and bees

Butterflies and ladybugs, a spotted cooing dove

With her gentle simple song, she tells them they are loved




When the wind is feeling sad she makes a rueful moan

Over stones and through the trees, she bellows and she groans

When gloomy clouds shade the day, she blows with all her might

pushing them and pulling them, ‘till they are out of sight




When the wind is filled with joy with the coming of a storm

She gusts and howls and bangs about, all the night till morn

Romping with the thunder, as the rain pours down

Chasing after lightning bolts, whirling all around




When the wind is fast asleep as though she isn’t there

Resting in her hammock where, she doesn’t have a care

She dreams of autumn’s falling leaves, piling wide and deep

She dreams of red and golden leaves, that she loves to sweep



Rivers of Love Lyrics

Verse 1

Little she knew of bright green leaves, of flowers pink and bloomin’

Little she knew of meadow sheep, of humming birds hummin’


A bird born in winter, is cradled by the snow

Born in the cold, cold winter, but now the spring rivers flow

Verse 2

Little she knew of waking bears, of warmer winds a’ blowin’

Little she knew of longer days, a choir of crickets singin’


Verse 3

Little she knew of butterflies, of earth brown and muddy

Little she knew that everywhere, were colors a plenty


Verse 4

Little she knew so many friends, lived all around her

Little she knew her forest home had all winter held her


I’d like to oink with a pig all day. We would splash in the mud and clay. But I have a roof and I have a floor, and I go in and out of a door.

Oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink, oink

I’d like to baaaa with a goat all day. We would leap and roll away.

But I have a roof and I have a floor, and I go in and out of a door.

Baaa, baaa, baaa, baaa, baaa, baaa, baaa

I’d like to howl with a wolf all day. Into the wilds we would bay

But I have a roof and I have a floor, and I go in and out of a door.

Awoo, oooh, oooh, ooh, oooh oooh oooh

I’d like to cluck with a hen all day. We’d lay our eggs, every which way

but I have a roof and I have a floor, and I go in and out of a door.

Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck

I’d like to sing with you all day. Can I come in? Oh can I stay?

‘Cause you have a roof and you have a floor, and we’ll go in and out of your door.

La, la, la, la, la, la, la  (2x)

The sun is rising. It’s a new day. It is time for the joining together in play. Toads are a’ trundling, where tall mushrooms grow. Snow leopards are leaping, through the bright snow.


With the green earth beneath us and the warm sun above. In between trees and flowers and rivers of love, rivers of love, rivers of love.

Squirrels are a’ scampering on a pine needle floor. Sea otters are swimming close to the shore.

Moose are a’ moseying through the deep wood and the hippos have long left where they stood.


Herons on high are riding the breeze, while rabbits with big ears run through the trees.

Snakes are slithering. Swans glide along. The wolves and whales break out in song.


Penguins are parading across the ice. The walrus are waltzing with little wee mice.

The dogs and the cats, arm in arm, are catching a ride on a truck from a farm.


We’re all on our way, beneath the sky blue. All the races of people will be there too.

At the edge of the forest, on the cliffs by the sea, we’ll all join together, and merry we’ll be.


What do you do when a flower  smiles at you? What do you do when a flower smiles at you? What do you do when a flower smiles at you? When a flower smiles at you, here’s what you do.

Sing, “I love you,” It’s the only thing to do. Sing, “I love you,” when a flower smiles at you.

What do you do when a tree talks to you? What do you do when a tree talks to you? What do you do when a tree talks to you? When a tree talks to you, here’s what you do.

Sing, “I love you,” It’s the only thing to do. Sing “I love you,” when  a tree talks to you.

What do you do when the rain dances with you? What do you do when the rain dances with you? What do you do when the rain dances with you? When the rain dances with you, here’s what you do.

Sing, “I love you,” It’s the only thing to do. Sing “I love you,” when the rain dances with you.

What do you do when a friend listens to you? What do you do when a friend listens to you? What do you do when a friend listens to you? When a friend listens to you, here’s what you do.

Sing, “I love you,” It’s the only thing to do. Sing, “I love you,” when a friend listens to you.

Verse 1

I was travelin’ down the road when I met two toads.

They were sittin’ eatin’ flies. They stopped me with a “Hi!”


Ooooh, I stopped while, I stopped awhile with a great big smile.

Ooooh, I stopped awhile, I stopped to say hello.

Verse 2

Her name was Lily. His name was Pad. They shared all they had.

They taught me to leap. They taught me to sing. They taught me toady things.


Verse 3

They liked my stripes. They liked my wings and how I buzz when I sing.

So I taught them to fly when they’d leap high. I taught them buzzy bee things.


Verse 4

The next thing I knew, little spots grew, one, two, three.

I asked Lily and I asked Pad, “How could this happen to me?”

“You love us, it’s clear to see, ‘cause you’ve grown little spots three.

We love you, it’s plain to see, ‘cause we’ve grown the stripes of a bee.”


Verse 1

Peacocks sweep the faerie’s rooms. They use their folded tails for brooms.

Chorus 1x

Rum diddy dum, rum diddy dum dum dee. Rum diddy dum, rum diddy dum dum dee.

Verse 2

But faery dust is brighter far, than any mortal colors are.

Chorus 2x

Verse 3

And all about their tails it clings, in strange designs of rounds and rings.

Chorus 2x

Verse 4

And that is why they strut about, and broadly spread their feathers out.

Chorus 2x

Verse 5

Under the smiling silver moon, the peacocks hum the faerie’s tunes.

Chorus 2x

Verse 6

‘Cause faery dust is filled with song, and makes them dance the whole night long.

Chorus 3x


Have you seen it all around? There are so many shades of brown.

Verse 1

In the bark of a gentle tree. In the birds upon the sea.

In the quills of a porcupine. In an artist’s pencil line.

In an old ramshackle barn. In a scarf made of yarn.

In a well loved teddy bear, won at a summer fair.


Verse 2

In the mud from melted snow. In the many things that grow.

In a graceful violin. In a fishes shiny fin.

In a piece of chocolate cake. In the handle of a rake.

In the fur of tiny mice, lentils and brown rice.


Verse 3

In a piece of earthen bread. In a moonlit river bed.

In the hues of desert sand. In the forests of our land.

In the smile of a gentle face. In two arms when they embrace.

In the briny tidal foam. Everywhere we roam.


I met a boy in a shady grove. He was packing a treasure trove with food in a bed of hay. “Where are you going with that?” I said, as the boy lifted his head. “I’m going to give it away.”


‘Cause there’s a family over the hill. The dad lost his job in the lumber mill and I heard the mother cry. “Then I’ll go get some things I can spare. I will meet you over there with clothes and fresh apple pie.”

Along my way I heard a wedding song. Arm in arm, folks ambled along, happy for the day. “Where are you going in such a rush?” the bride asked me while everyone hushed. “I’m going to give things away.”

‘Cause there’s a family over the hill. The dad lost his job in the lumber mill and I heard the mother cry. “Then we’ll go get some things we can spare. We will meet you over there with gifts and loaves of rye.”

Along their way the school let out. Children were bustling all about laughing along their way. “Where are you going dressed so fine?” the children asked the brides maids nine. “We’re going to give things away.”

‘Cause there’s a family over the hill. The dad lost his job in the lumber mill and I heard the mother cry. “Then we will bring some things we can share. We will meet you over there, with songs by and by.”

Soon we all gathered over the hill, at the house of the man of the mill and the woman who wrote poetry. Three children with their parents came out. We all took hands and ringed them about. We rose up in melody.

Of all the folks who came out that day, one gave the father a job with good pay and we wrapped them all up in love. ‘Cause there’s a family over the hill. We brought to them gifts of goodwill, and we wrapped them all up in love.

I met a boy in a shady grove. He was packing a treasure trove.

Verse 1

Are you glad it’s not cold in Mole’s house? That his stove keeps him warm?

Are you glad he gives to his friends, shelter from the storm?


Dear Mole, Mole, Mole, in a hole, hole, hole, your house is in the ground.

You go out and in, and around you spin, up and down on a pole.

Verse 2

Are you glad Mole makes pinecone hats, he loves to give away,

to everyone, friends old and young, he meets along the way?


Verse 3

Are you glad that you’re like Mole, with friends both near and far,

that you can give from your heart, ‘cause your love shines like a star.


The stars are growing bright, brave child of mine. It’s supper time and the day is done.

A chill is in the air. Leaves are falling everywhere. It’s time to come inside my little one.


Ma, (Pa), I’m soaring through the sky, with the birds I fly.

Ma, I’m soaring through the sky. With my wings I fly.

The stars are growing bright, wise child of mine. It’s supper time and the day is done.

A chill is in the air. Trees are turning bare. It’s time to come inside my little one.

Ma, I’m running through the prairie grass, with the winds that pass.

Ma, I’m running through the golden grass. The wind and I race fast.

The moon is climbing high, dear child of mine. It’s supper time and the day is done.

A chill is in the air. Leaves are falling everywhere. It is time to come inside my little one.

Ma, come see, come see the trees. Come out and be with me.

Twilight’s a glow with every color you know. The clouds look like bright pink snow.

The stars are growing bright sweet child of mine, but outdoors we will dine.

A chill is in the air. The autumn colors rare. Together we will watch the night shine.

‘Cause you are my child divine.

Verse 1

I was walking down the road when I heard a faery singing

I asked her where she learned those songs. She said from the bells a’ringin’

She took me down beneath the ground where the faeries all were singin’

while they danced around ‘neath the faery mound, to the sounds of the bells a’ringin’


Blo-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow , the wind and the bells play

Blo-ow-ow, the winds that blo-o-ow, and the faeries sing all day

Verse 2

I stayed seven years but it seemed like a day. I came home a’ singin’

songs not ever heard before I learned from the bells a’ringin’

They didn’t know I’d been away for seven long years a’ singin’

They didn’t know I’d been long away where the bells are ringin’


Verse 3

They asked me where did I learn those songs, and how did I get so merry?

I said, “Twas owin’ to my time, spent among the faeries”

If I were a bee, I’d sleep in a flower. I’d wash my wings in a rain shower

I’d buzz around all day long. I’d make up my garden songs


If I were a bee, I’d buzz about snails. I’d buzz about kitty cat tails

If I were a bee, I would buzz to the sun. I’d buzz and I’d never be done

Once in awhile, I’d go to school. I’d study hard the only rule

Put your Bs before your Zs. Spelling is so easy


And wouldn’t it be so cool, I’d get to read aloud in school

One word is all I’d learn. I’d sing it when it was my turn


Half Chorus

I love a bear who lives up the wood. He’s a friend to me.

Verse 1

What do you think we do together? What do you think we do?

We roll in the leaves, and we climb trees. We play the whole day through.


I love a bear who lives up the wood, lives up the wood from me.

I love a bear who lives up the wood. He’s a good friend to me.

Verse 2

What do you think he brings to me? What do you think he brings?

He brings me honey. He looks so funny. We eat like queens and kings.


Verse 3

What do you think I bring to him? What do you think I bring?

I bring to him my favorite thing. I bring him songs to sing.


Verse 1

I’d like to give you my dearest one, with you I’d like to share

I’d like to give you my dearest heart, things beautiful, full and rare


I’d like to give you anything, but first and last of all

It is my wish, my quiet prayer, that no harm to you fall

Verse 2

I’d like to give you a whale for a friend, trees with whom to talk

I’d like to give you a path through the clouds, upon which, which to walk


Verse 3

I’d like to reach you down the moon, give you a view from a star

I’d like to give you a ride on the wind, but hope you’d not travel, travel too far


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Directions on booklet: Print double sided on tabloid (11 x 17″ paper), fold in half lengthwise with the second page facing up. Next fold in thirds with panel 4/2 over panel 3, then panel 1/Front cover over panel 2.

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